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18 in 1 Herbal Tincture “CURE ALL”

18 in 1 Herbal Tincture “CURE ALL”

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Why take several supplements when you can get the benefits of many in just one small dropper full of liquid gold?
•This tincture originated after pharmaceuticals failed to help my cystic acne, so I took it upon myself to research herbs that would help me in my journey. I came up with these 18 herbs to start with and after a few months of consistency, I no longer had the horrible deep painful breakouts! While originally researching for skin ailments, I found that all of these 18 herbs have MANY different uses and benefits.
•This tincture can be used for the following: acne, inflammation, bacterial infection, viral infection, anti-fungal, respiratory illnesses, cough, joint pain, antioxidant, expectorant, anti-carcinogenic, antispasmodic, parasitic worms, aids in digestion, promotes gut health, blood purifier, stabilizes blood sugar spikes, lowers blood pressure, helps eczema, rashes, and boils, fights anxiety and depression, balances hormones, promotes overall healing AND MORE!
•You can research each herb in this herbal infusion and you'll be amazed at all the amazing things you'll learn. Or, you can simply take this tincture daily and experience the benefits of all of them! All packed in this tiny bottle!

Included herbs:
Black walnut leaf powder
Mullein Leaf
Neem leaf powder
Licorice root powder
Tulsi leaf (holy basil)
Marigold (calendula)
Eucalyptus leaf
Burdock root
Oregon Grape root
Red clover
Sarsaparilla root
Turmeric root
Chaste Berry (Vitex)
Barberry root bark
Chamomile (Egyptian)
Hibiscus Flower

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